29 May 2012
SET adds new listed securities : AAV to be traded on May 31, 2012
Listing : Common stock
Security Symbol : AAV
Secondary market : SET
Industry : Services
Sector : Transportation & Logistics
Listed date : 31-May-2012
Trading date : 31-May-2012
Number of listed shares (Common : 4,850,000,000
Number of paid-up Stocks (Common : 4,850,000,000
Par value (baht per share) : 0.10
Paid-up capital (baht) : 485,000,000.00
IPO shares (shares) : 750,000,000
IPO price (baht) : 3.70
Business description :
The Company operates as a holding company, the Company holds only Thai AirAsia
Co., Ltd , a low fare airline . Thai AirAsia Co., Ltd.'s revenues are mainly
from scheduled passenger services and ancillary services.
Remark :
- IPO subscription period : May 23-25, 2012
- Public Offering of 1,212,500,000 ordinary shares, 25% of total paid up capital
after initial public offering, which comprised of (1) Newly issued shares of
750,000,000 shares and (2) Existing shares of 462,500,000 shares (15.46% and
9.54% of total paid up capital after initial public offering respectively) with
offering price at Baht 3.70 per share. In addition, the existing shareholders of
the Company intend to sell existing shares of 727,500,000 shares (15% of total
paid up capital after initial public offering) at price not exceeding the
offering price through the big lot board of the SET on the first day.