Passenger Carried:
Number of earned seats flown; Earned seats comprise seats sold to passengers (including no-shows)
Number of seats flown
Load Factor:
Number of passengers carried as a percentage of capacity
Available Seat Kilometres measures an airline’s passenger capacity and is calculated from total seats flown multiplied by the number of kilometres flown
Revenue Passenger Kilometres measures the volume of passengers carried by the airline and is calculated from the number of passengers multiplied by the number of kilometres these passengers have flown
Number of Stages Flown:
Number of flights flown
Average Stage Length:
Represents the average number of kilometres flown per flight
Size of Fleet at Quarter End:
Number of total aircraft at quarter end
Average Fare:
Calculated as Thai AirAsia’s total passenger revenues divided by total number of passengers carried
Revenue per ASK calculated as Thai AirAsia’s revenues divided by ASK
Cost per ASK calculated as the sum of Thai AirAsia’s operating costs, selling expenses and administrative expenses (but excluding other expenses) divided by ASK
CASK ex-fuel:
Cost per ASK (non-fuel) calculated as the sum of Thai AirAsia’s operating costs, selling expenses and administrative expenses (but excluding other expenses) less fuel costs divided by ASK
Aircraft Utilisation:
Represents the average block hours per day per aircraft during the relevant period. Block Hours is calculated by measuring the duration between the time of departure of an aircraft and the time of arrival at its Destination
On-Time Performance:
A flight is deemed “on time” if the actual departure time is no more than 15 minutes of the scheduled departure time.
Core profit (loss):
Net profit (loss) adjusted with after-tax foreign exchange gain (loss)